The best Cloud solution for remote printer monitoring and print fleet management
The most complete software for Managed Print Services
What is MPS Monitor 2.0?
Success Starts Here

What do we offer?
Managed printing devices under control: only the information you need, when you need it.
The data are accessible on a completely graphic portal for maximum simplicity of use.
Extremely reliable collection of network printer data thanks to the exclusive DCA Clustering technology.
Who’s it designed for?

For dealers and resellers of printers and multifunction devices of any Brand.
The solution seamlessly integrates in the dealer’s ERP and CRM systems thanks to an advanced API system.
How can I buy it?
MPS Monitor is a Cloud solution, provided as a Software as a Service (SaaS).
The user pays a subscription to access the Service via the Web Portal, without buying any hardware or software license.
Remote monitoring of
network printers of any brand and model;

Alert management
and reporting of low consumables;

Data collection
from the printing devices;

Data integration
via API with external systems, like ERPs CRMs, service and ticketing systems, and external databases.

Explore Our Products

Pro C200L
The perfect solution for precise and efficient parcel scanning and dimensioning. Streamline your shipping process effortlessly.

Premium C200S
The ultimate revenue protection and masterdata management solution. Certified legal for trade in ensuring you protect your revenue and costs.
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